Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Boys always say that its too hard to understand a girl.Oh really? Not at all guys its too easy to understand a girl, mainly your girlfriend. How ? How? How? Wait let me tell you: Just know your girl ok? Don't do anything for her just because every other girl wants that, SHE IS DIFFERENT!! Well as per our survey those 10 things are...
1.BE A MAN AND DON'T CRY LIKE A BITCH ... I mean seriously? Who told you that a girl loves those boys who are crying? Mainly Delhi and Mumbai girls. Girls need a boy, a man not a small kid. Its ok to cry at rare moment but don't make it your habit otherwise she'd feel irritated after a while so be careful guys, tell her your emotions but don't use your tears to convince her.
2.BE CARELESS AND ENJOY LIFE.. Its obvious that a girl wants a mature guy who thinks about their future and is careful about her but dude sometimes its okay to be a ROADSIDE ROMEO. Means you have to enjoy your time without thinking about your future, about what she wears, how she wears just set her free. Coz its just u she wants to be free with!
3.DON'T MEANS DON'T BE OVER SWEET IN FRONT OF HER FRIEND.. May be you are trying to build a good image in front of her friend. but you never know what your girlfriend thinks about that like: "oh he's always like this means I'm not any special for him " So be careful! Be gentle but don't go overboard because that sweetness is only for her and no one else.
4.YES SHE OVER REACTS BECAUSE SHE OVER-CARES!! SO U BETTER GO SHHH.. Yes sometimes girls over react but only thing you can do at that moment is to calm down and be polite. Because when you say "Yar you are over reacting over this topic " a war is sure coming your way because you called her feelings a drama or an act so if she over reacts don't worry dude feel proud u got the right girl! Just love her she's going to feel that later & love you even more.
5.I KNOW THIS ONE'S HARD BUT DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT HER MALE FRIENDS.. I mean this is the most important problem among couples. Guys never like most of girl's male friends and basically that's because they know what the other boys think.But when you keep complaining about her male friends she feels frustrated and tries to avoid his talk with you and may be try to hide things from you so trust her may be that friend is not good for her but she can handle that she is mature enough. she has to experience those people too.
6.NEVER TREAT YOUR GIRL AS AN EXPENSE Yes as an expense. many guys think that if they want their girl to be happy they need to spend money. Its not true! Not at all! It hurts when you raise money issues in relation. firstly u spend money on her and then tell your friends that u have to spend this much money to make her happy. that's you who can make her happy not those piece of papers.
7.COME OUT FROM YOUR COMFORT ZONE.. We are very happy in our comfort zones doing the regular things to make someone feel special. but if you actually love someone you have to do something which is not generally expected from you. which may surprise her and bingo that"s what you want right! when you do something beyond your usual self it means that you love her more than yourself.
8.RESPECTING, FUNNY AND FRANK WITH ALL... Girls like those guys who can talk with anyone make friends easily not only with girls but with every person may that be a security guard or waiter and treat them good.whenever you treat someone good who is below you, you always see a beautiful smile over her face and love in her eyes.

9.THOSE SMALL LOVE TEXT CAN MAKE HER DAY... Relationships are never too old for you to ignore telling her how much you love her. Every girl wants to know how loved they are. In those hard times, only a text can make her smile.
10 UR TOUCH OF LOVE SPEAKS IT ALL.. Yes her consent and comfort are priorities but if she's comfortable, never deprive her of all those sneaky hidden touches, those stolen kisses and of course her hand in urs alwz! Thats just a public declaration that u belong to each other

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